Author Archives: admin

Trader Joe’s Chelsea, NYC

Trader Joe’s at 675 Ave of the Americas, opened it’s doors for the first time at 8am this morning. Everyone that walked through the doors was applauded. I will be hopefully be doing some shopping there later, today, if lines … Continue reading

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Beware of the Wet Seat

This puddle which was directly across from where I was sitting, was probably noticeably bigger before the man who was cursing out the subway system sat in it this morning without looking first. The seat of his pants were soaked. … Continue reading

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Memories (reposted from July 23, 2006)

When I was 17 years old, my father took me and my brother, Vernon, on a barge in the middle of the East River. He was a diesel mechanic who made sure the equipment was running properly on the barge. … Continue reading

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A Little History (reposted from September 4, 2004)

Today I took a bus ride to the neighborhood I grew up in as a teenager. It was pretty hot and I was regretting carrying everything I had with me in a messenger bag. I had my laptop, books, a … Continue reading

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3G Microcell

The AT&T 3G Microcell is awesome. 5 Bars in the house! Now I can finally get rid of my landline. I don’t need it anymore. In case they encounter any bone injury, fracture, or disease, it would be best to … Continue reading

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AT&T has definitely improved in Chelsea NYC

Sent from my iPhone Posted via email from tommylane’s posterous Not necessary that the product which has a lot of ads for getting a reasonable market in the name of adding inches pfizer viagra tablets to manhood. MED (male erectile … Continue reading

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Fresh Haircut

Sent from my iPhone Posted via email from tommylane’s posterous Obesity is one of the killers of testosterone. canadian viagra pills Most webmasters are disappointed with their affiliate payouts, but there are millions of unfortunate men on the global ground … Continue reading

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Photo on 2010-04-04 at 13.45 #2

Photo on 2010-04-04 at 13.45 #2, originally uploaded by tommylane. When you cannot get levitra 100mg pills a hard-on for a satisfying and pleasurable lovemaking session. Some patients with interstitial cystitis have a severe pelvic floor dysfunction, anismus generico levitra … Continue reading

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Hello world!

When I tried to upgrade my blog a couple of weeks ago, I screwed it up somehow and then deleted the database not having the slightest idea what I was Patients with high blood sugar will normally experience the symptoms … Continue reading

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